Friends of the Garden: Plant Based Menu Consulting & Recipe Development by
Dragged Through The Garden.


Mission: I write you vegan menu options and you attract an audience of hungry vegan people.

Vegans want places to go out to eat. With the current boom of the plant-based industry, even one or two menu items provides enough incentive for vegans to come and eat at your restaurant or order food from your brewery. With that, I am veering into the world of menu consultation and third-party recipe development. I will be taking on clients and dragging their respective menus through the garden.

I come from the era of undressed side salads and afterthought French fries being the only options on the menu and fortunately, that is no longer the case. Unless of course you’re only serving the aforementioned to your non-meat-eating guests and turning away heaps of plant-based dollars.

The goal of Friends of the Garden is simple. Incentivize restaurants/breweries into adding plant-based menu options to reach a potential new audience of food-loving, money-spending, vegetable-eating customers. Having your business show up in a google/delivery search for vegan options will set new hungry, vegan eyes on your operation and attract new customers to dine-in/order-out from your restaurant.

My services are flat rate and based on scope of the project. I write/develop vegan dishes for your menu. Whether it be one dish, two dish, red dish, blue dish. I provide virtual/email/phone consultation and assist with promotion; signal-boosting said new menu item(s) throughout my various channels and handling the fancy-schmancy marketing stuff. Become a friend of the garden today!

Please submit inquiries below.