Vegan Chorizo Sloppy Joe

Sloppy Joe. The great American standby. You can put chips on it if you want. This time, we’re using chorizo seitan and frying up sliced potatoes. You can still add chips if you want too.

As always, if you dig this recipe, tag me at @draggedthroughthegarden on instagram and tell me if you are a sloppy joe.

Vegan Chorizo Sloppy Joe…with fried potatoes instead of potato chips.



prep time: 5 minutes
cook time: 30 minutes

So when all the chorizo falls off, you can scoop it up with fried potatoes. Big brain.

This one requires you to make a quick sauce, cook some seitan and fry up some potatoes. We will start with the latter.

What you’ll need:

  • gold potatoes

  • salt

  • dried guajillo

Get all your taters and scrub them clean. You can peel the skin off if you want but I left them on. Add them to a pot of cold water so that they are completely submerged. Add a liberal amount of salt and bring the flame up to a boil.

Add more if you wish to eat potatoes as you cook.

Add more if you wish to eat potatoes as you cook.

You don’t want to over-boil your potatoes because then they’ll get all mushy later. Now for the sake of multi-tasking and keeping dishes to a minimal, thoroughly wash about 4-5 dried guajillo peppers and toss them right in the potato water. No the peppers won’t get all starchy, it’s fine.

We’ll check back on the potatoes in a few, in the meantime we will get the chorizo stuff going.

What you’ll need:

  • chorizo seitan

  • vegetable oil

  • white onion

  • garlic

  • tomato paste

  • liquid smoke

  • soy sauce

  • salt

  • pepper

  • chili powder

  • smoked paprika

  • veggie broth

  • chipotle in adobo

  • hamburger buns (or telera if you fancy like that)

Dice up a white onion and mince up some garlic. Add oil into a saucepan and throw half of your onions in there. Add salt. Throw half of the garlic in too when the onions start to turn aromatic. The remainder of garlic & onion will be utilized later.

I forgot to take a picture of the garlic.

I forgot to take a picture of the garlic.

Add a whole container of chorizo seitan into the pan and stir so everything is nice and homogenous. Add tomato paste and give that a twist. Add salt, pepper and the aforementioned seasonings from earlier. Season with your heart.

Kinda like this.

Kinda like this.

Now let that cook for a few and check on your potatoes/guajillo. There’s a good chance your guajillo peppers have puffed up and look hilarious. Pull those out and set aside. Check and see if the potatoes are easily pierced with a fork. But not too easily, you want some firmness still. If those are par-boiled to perfection, pull those out too and set aside separate from the guajillo.



Pull the seeds and stems off the peppers and throw those out. You’re going to do a bit of multitasking now.

Check on your seitan mixture. Add a 1/4 cup of veggie broth and give that a twirl. You’re going to continue to periodically add broth and cook it down as if you were cooking a sloppy risotto. Once the broth reduces, add some more. If it isn’t reducing, crank up the flame a teeny bit.

It’s pretty much risotto.

It’s pretty much risotto.

Grab a blender and add your wet guajillo in there. Toss the remainder of the onions and garlic from earlier too. Add the same seasonings that you used in your risotto as well. Open one of those little cans of chipotle-in-adobo and toss the contents in the blender too.



Blend all that up until smooth and set aside for a minute.

Return to your chorizo and give it a stir as it has probably reduced down once again. Add another splash of broth as you did earlier and let that continue to cook.

For the potatoes, you can air fry them, bake them, or fry them in a pan. Dice them up into little frisbees and toss some salt on them. I used the air fryer method at 390° for 20 minutes with a little vegetable oil. If you bake them, use a wire racked baking sheet and cook them for about 15 minutes at 400°. Keep an eye on them though because they are thin frisbees potato slices. If you fry them in a pan, add vegetable oil, bring it up to 375° and cook until crispy, golden brown. Keep an eye on your chorizo risotto.

Either way, when you cut them they should look like this:



Then afterwards, they should look something like this:

Nice. Be sure to add salt while they’re still hot.

Nice. Be sure to add salt while they’re still hot.

Now that you have fried potatoes, add some of your new pepper sauce mixture to the chorizo and give that another stirring. Add another splash of veggie broth if it’s too thick.

I realize this looks just like the other picture.

I realize this looks just like the other picture.

Now that you have all of your components in place, the only thing you need is a bun. So in a frying pan, dry toast a few buns until crispy. Sliver out some more onions and now we can assemble this sandwich.

There is in fact a toasted bun under there.

There is in fact a toasted bun under there.

Add white onions and more potatoes. Don’t want to diminish the simplicity of this illustrious dish.

Add white onions and more potatoes. Don’t want to diminish the simplicity of this illustrious dish.

If you dug this recipe, share it with a friend. If you hated every moment with it, share it with a friend for the algorithm knows no bounds. Tag me on instagram @draggedthroughthegarden and I will tell you how proud of you I am. Plus, you can use the little potatoes to scoop up the excess chorizo.

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