The Vegan Full English

The Vegan Full English. I applaud anyone who can eat this first thing and have a productive day. The ol’ fry up knocked me right out last night. Eggs scrambled because molecular gastronomy is out of my wheelhouse.

As always, if you dig this recipe, tag me at @draggedthroughthegarden on instagram and we can talk about breakfast.

The Vegan Full English. Clear my schedule.




prep time: 20 minutes
cook time: 75 minutes

Cook time is tentative dependent on how many pans you have going. If you use multiple pans (recommended) please scroll through everything and then come back up here!

This recipe requires you cook up some tomatoes, bangers, baked beans, fried bread, bacon, egg, mushrooms and vegan black pudding. Brown sauce too. You can store-buy this if you want but I’m including it below.

To start, you’re going to soak some soy curls for your black pudding. Then you will make the brown sauce. To my friends across the pond, forgive me if I fucked this up — I think I did okay. And then, we can start the black pudding.

What you’ll need:

  • soy curls

  • pitted dates

  • shallot

  • garlic

  • tamarind (I couldn’t find it but add some if you do find it)

  • vegan worcestershire

  • tomato paste

  • molasses

  • salt

  • pepper

  • malt vinegar

Get a half cup of soy curls and soak them in water. We will come back to these later.

It’s a small bowl. Also pardon my mess.

It’s a small bowl. Also pardon my mess.

In a pot add a little more than a cup of pitted dates. Dice up half a shallot and throw that in there too. Crush two cloves of garlic into the mix before throwing a generous shake of vegan worcestershire in there. Add a teaspoon of tomato paste, two tablespoons of molasses. Add another generous splash of malt vinegar. Toss some salt and pepper in there. If you have tamarind, add a little bit of that too.

I usually do a shit job of dicing stuff if it’s getting blended later. This will be blended later.

I usually do a shit job of dicing stuff if it’s getting blended later. This will be blended later.

Now you’re going to add a cup and a half of water to the pot and bring the flame up to a boil. Once the contents are boiling, stir it up a little so the dates don’t stick to the bottom of the pot; throw a lid on it and drop the flame to a simmer for one hour.

Or you could just buy the brown sauce.

Now while the brown sauce is simmering out, we can start the black pudding. I couldn’t find vegan blood for this so bear with me.

What you’ll need:

  • shallot

  • yellow onion

  • olive oil

  • black beans

  • soy curls (the ones from earlier)

  • mushrooms

  • coconut aminos (or soy sauce)

  • salt

  • pepper

  • oats

Dice up the other half of the shallot from earlier. Dice up a quarter of a yellow onion. Chop up a half cup of mushrooms too. Toss some olive oil into a frying pan and bring it up to a medium flame. Add your onions and cook until they start to sweat some. Toss the garlic in and cook until aromatic careful not to overly brown it. Now toss those mushrooms in there,

Now your kitchen smells nice.

Now your kitchen smells nice.

Toss some salt on your mushrooms, this will help drain the moisture from them. Add some pepper too, fuck it.

Bring the flame down and now we can put the rest of this vegan black pudding together.

In a strainer, drain your black beans and give them a rinse. Using a masher of sorts, crush the black beans right in the strainer.

Strategically left my sink full of dirty dishes out of the picture.

Strategically left my sink full of dirty dishes out of the picture.

Toss the black beans into the pan with the other stuff. Next take the soy curls from earlier and toss them in the strainer too to drain them of liquid. Add the soy curls into the pan.

Now you have in your pan — olive oil, garlic, shallot, mushrooms, black beans, soy curls.

Mix everything up and allow to cook. If things get a little stuck, add a little bit of water to loosen the contents of your pan up.

This could use a drop of water.

This could use a drop of water.

Add salt and pepper into the pan. Add a nice dash of coconut aminos and worcestershire. This thing is going to be black once it’s done. Add a knob of tomato paste next.

But like, mix it up.

But like, mix it up.

Now that your mixture is all mixed up, we’re going to introduce another fun ingredient into the mix. Oats. It’s like a veggie burger from the 90’s!

Toss a 1/4 cup of oats in there now and give them a stir.

Believe it or not, this is going to be delicious.

Believe it or not, this is going to be delicious.

After your oats are all mixed up (kinda) you’re going to set your oven to 350°. Kill the flame completely and add a little bit more water if the mixture is still a little stiff.

You’re going to form these into patties on a baking sheet…or use a ring mold like I did.

If you make them with a ring mold: oil the inside of the ring mold so the mixture doesn’t stick to it. If you form them into patties, use parchment paper on the baking sheet for the same reason.


Toss a little salt on top of this thing and stick it in the oven until you’re done with everything else. Which there are still a few steps left. Thankfully each one is quick, there’s just a few of them so each of the next sections will be fairly brief.

Formally, next, you’re going to compile the rest of this massive dish. And then we will end on the brown sauce and black pudding.

What you’ll need:

  • vegan breakfast sausage links

  • vegan bacon

  • just egg

  • vegan baked beans

  • sliced bread

  • mushrooms

  • tomatoes (beefsteak or comparable)

  • olive oil

  • salt

  • pepper

  • kala namak (optional)

  • vegan butter

Again, this is easier if you use multiple pans but I only used two here. I recommend using more.

To start, the bacon:

Add olive oil into the pan and add as much vegan bacon as you can. You heard me. But without overcrowding the pan of course. Add some salt and pepper.

Five will do. Do more if you want.

Five will do. Do more if you want.

Set aside your American desires to overcook the bacon, you don’t want it soggy but not American-style crisp. Find a happy medium.

Take your bacon out and set on a paper towel-lined plate. After the drain out, remove them from the towel and place directly on the plate so they don’t stick. Leave some of that bacon greasy stuff in the pan.

Next, the bangers…breakfast sausages. Cook them in the pan in the bacon grease from earlier. This isn’t a healthy breakfast but neither is most American breakfast.

Cook these until they look like sausages,

Cook these until they look like sausages,

Add salt and pepper to the sausages. A dash of coconut aminos if you want. Get the sausages out of the pan just like you did with the bacon. Cover the bacon and bangers with foil.

Next is mushrooms.

Throw a fistful of mushrooms in the pan. Add a little oil if you need. Once they start to become aromatic, add salt.

Vegan mushrooms!

Vegan mushrooms!

Once the mushrooms are cooked, pull them out and set aside. Cover with foil.

Next, you’re going to cut some tomato into slices and bring the heat up on your pan. While your heat is rising, damp down the tomato slices a little bit with a paper towel to get rid of some of the internal moisture. This will help with the color too.

I fucked up quite a few of these before getting it right.

I fucked up quite a few of these before getting it right.

While the tomatoes are in the pan, just leave them. They’ll char up and then you can flip them and do the other side. If you only do one side of each, I won’t tell anyone.

Take the tomatoes out and set aside. Cover with foil.

Next, you’re going to cook the just egg.

Give the pan a nice wipe once it’s cool enough to. Add a little teeny tiny bit of oil and then toss in an appropriate amount of just egg based on the size of your pan. Scramble these up and set aside. Add kala namak if you have it.



Once your egg is scrambled, you guessed it, set it aside. Cover with foil. Again you can do this with multiple pans but I have limited space.

Next, wipe your pan because it’s time to make fried bread. NOT TOAST!

Toss a knob of butter into the pan and lay down a slice of bread once the butter starts going.



Cook until brown on each side and set aside.

Next, you’re going to cook out some baked beans. This one is easy too.

Toss some baked beans in a pot on a very low flame. Let them cook.



You can leave the beans in the pot while you plate and get everything else done.

NEXT! You’re going to check on your brown sauce. Lift the lid off of it and it should be super duper reduced!

Like so!

Like so!

Let these cool down a little bit and then transfer the whole mess to a blender. Pulse until smooth, add water if the mixture is too thick. Now you have brown sauce. Go on, try it.


Time to pull your black pudding out of the oven. Pull the sheet out and if you used a ring mold, let it cool so you don’t sear your fingers. If you made patties, just let them chill for a minute.

Tossed a little salt up there. Look at this thing!

Tossed a little salt up there. Look at this thing!

Personally, I think the patty method might be easier because this thing crumbled a little when I did it. Hence the additions of water additions up there earlier. This method does work, just make sure your mixture is somewhat wet so it maintains its shape!

Once it’s cool enough to do so, cut this cylindrical thing into smaller patties. Or if you just did patties, you can plate them with everything listed below.


Time to plate everything up. Like a greasy, English breakfast charcuterie. Toss some beans on there, your tomatoes, a fistful of mushrooms, bangers, bacon strips, bread, black pudding, egg and brown sauce. I think that’s everything.

Oh yeah duh, serve with tea.

Oh yeah duh, serve with tea.