Vegan Spicy Gazpacho

Vegan Gazpacho. It’s tomato season and yeah pretty much every gazpacho is vegan but I’m pandering to my audience here, you understand.

As always, if you dig this recipe, tag me at @draggedthroughthegarden on instagram and tell me if you’ve had non-vegan gazpacho because I have not.

Vegan Spicy Gazpacho. Yesterday’s soup is today’s gazpacho.

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prep time: 15 minutes
cook time: 0 minutes

A full zero-minute cook time, wow!

This one requires you to core a bunch of tomatoes, dice an onion, peel a cucumber, add some peppers and melon and other stuff and chill. As in, put the gazpacho in the fridge for a few. Very chill.

What you’ll need:

  • tomatoes (medium sized, like Roma or something similar. Maybe a few cherry tomatoes too.)

  • cucumber (a big one)

  • garlic

  • red onion

  • sweet melon (optional)

  • red hot chili peppers

  • basil

  • salt

  • pepper

  • olive oil

  • apple cider vinegar

  • a blender/food processor

  • a strainer

Dice up one small red onion into chunks. Break a few cloves of garlic off the bulb. You don’t have to finely chop either of them because they’re getting blended.

Used more than this obviously but for the sake of photo.

Core all of your tomatoes. Remove the innards and seeds and discard. Peel a cucumber and core that too. Discard innards. Cut up a melon and spoon out those innards too. Break off a few chunks for your gazpacho and set aside. The word innards is getting a lot of airtime here.

I used more than this obviously, just for photo sake.

I used more than this obviously, just for photo sake.

Grab a couple red hot chili peppers and seed them if you don’t want to feel how you did that day. Add all of your ingredients to a food processor and pulse…or blender. Add a few chunks of melon, toss some fresh basil in there and continue pulsing. Add a tablespoon and a half of apple cider vinegar.

Stream in some olive oil and continue pulsing. Add olive oil until you get a smooth, not-too-thick consistency. Add salt to taste.

Blend! (I added melon and basil and pepper after this pulsing)

Blend! (I added melon and basil and pepper after this pulsing)

Taste for seasonings.

Taste for seasonings.

If the gazpacho tastes like it’s up to your standards, get out a fine strainer and strain it into a new bowl. Now your gazpacho will have beautiful, smooth texture too!

So pretty.

So pretty.

Wrap up the bowl tightly and stick it in the fridge for a few hours. Once your gazpacho reaches maximum chill, dice up some tomatoes, cucumbers, basil, and whatever else you want and garnish your cold soup. Crack some black pepper on there too.


If you dug this recipe, share it with a friend. Tag me on instagram @draggedthroughthegarden and I will tell you how proud of you I am. Share this with your greatest friends and your worst enemies. Gazpacho for all.