Lentil Liver with Fava Beans (and a nice Chianti)

Would you eat this? I’d eat this. I’d eat this so hard. It looks less than charming but I promise it is very tasty. Also good luck finding fava beans. I got the canned red ones at the grocery store after looking for thirty minutes. Also lots of Chiantis are not vegan so use Barnivore to cross-reference. Castello Di Albolda is vegan.

Lentil Liver with some Fava Beans and a nice Chianti…without drinking blood or eating flesh.



prep time: 20 minutes
cook time: 25 minutes

First order of business will be cooking the lentils. Cooking this requires one pot and one pan. And then a food processor. But we’ll start with the lentils.

What you'‘ll need:

  • lentils

  • boiling water

  • fava beans (canned)

Cook your lentils according to the directions on the package. One cup of lentils per two cups of water. After you cook them, strain the lentils and set them aside for now. Drain and rinse your fava beans off. Fill the pot with water again and bring it back to a boil. Put your fava beans in there on a medium flame. The goal is to soften them up so the outer skin comes off the beans nice and easily.

Next we are going to construct the “liver.” It’s more of a pâté than anything but I don’t want to have to type those symbols over and over again.

What you’ll need:

  • garlic

  • olive oil

  • onion

  • coconut amios

  • baby bella mushrooms

  • lemon

  • apple cider vinegar

  • walnuts (one cup)

  • eventually, the lentils

  • a food processor

  • parsley

  • crackers

Dice up your onion into chunks along with your garlic. They don’t have to be fine because they’re going into the food processor. Rinse and dice your mushrooms too. Oil your pan and put your garlic and onion in there. After they start to caramelize a little bit, add your mushrooms. Once the mushrooms start to soften and brown some, add your walnuts into the mix. Bring the flame up a little bit and toss everything around in the pan.

Walnuts added once the onion and garlic cook out alongside the mushrooms.

Walnuts added once the onion and garlic cook out alongside the mushrooms.

After the walnuts cook a little bit, throw your lentils right into the pan. Add a splash of apple cider vinegar, a bit of lemon juice and a good couple of shakes of coconut aminos. Soy sauce works fine. Bring your flame back down a little so your lentils don’t get all weird.

Way more appetizing than having an old friend over for dinner….sorta?

Way more appetizing than having an old friend over for dinner….sorta?

Now it puts the mixture in the food processor or else it gets the hose again.

For real though, put all of that stuff into your food processor and pulse until smooth. Not like hummus-smooth but still pretty smooth. Add a little olive oil and coconut aminos if your mixture is too solid.

Scrape the mixture into a bowl for now and let it cool down for a second. Now we’re going to revisit those pesky fava beans. Remove the skins from each one. Some of them will be easier than others. But for the most part, the skin should just slip right off. tftftftftftftftftftf.

The right sides are the skin. The left are the beans. Quid pro quo or something.

The right sides are the skin. The left are the beans. Quid pro quo or something.

Once you have that completed, plate your ugly, brown chopped liver lentil thing with your fava beans. Dice up what’s left of your onion along with some parsley. Garnish the weird pile of brown stuff with the onion and parsley. Serve with crackers. Now open up that nice Chianti.

Please don’t invite over the census taker.

Please don’t invite over the census taker.