Vegan Puppy Chow

Vegan Puppy Chow. It really doesn’t require a whole lot of effort.

As always, if you dig this recipe, tag me at @draggedthroughthegarden on instagram and tell me if you prefer the muddy buddy nomenclature.

Vegan Puppy Chow. It’s not brinner, it’s bressert.



prep time: 5 minutes
cook time: 5 minutes

I don’t how it got that name either.

This one is very simple and requires only a handful of ingredients. It’s gluten free too. I made a big bowl of it so those will be the proportions I’m demonstrating.

What you’ll need:

  • vegan semi-sweet chocolate chips

  • peanut butter

  • vegan butter

  • rice chex-like cereal

  • powdered sugar (double check that it’s vegan?)

In a small pot, add a big knob of vegan butter to a low flame. Don’t screw up step one by burning the butter. Throw three tablespoons of peanut butter in there and half a bag of chocolate chips. Feel free to adjust the ratio to your liking but this was mine.

You can sneak a taste if you want I guess!

You can sneak a taste if you want I guess!

Stir that up for only a few because it will melt down quickly. Once homogenous, kill the flame and keep stirring until completely smooth. Remove the pot from that burner too so it doesn’t overcook.

In a big bowl, add a layer of rice chex.

Scoop a big honking’ spatula-full of chocolate mixture onto your chex. Stir that up and then add more chex. Then more chocolate and repeat until you are out of chocolate.

You can sneak a taste if you want I guess!

You can sneak a taste if you want I guess!

Now you have a big bowl of chocolate covered chex in front of you.

You can sneak a taste if you want I guess!

You can sneak a taste if you want I guess!

Let it cool down for a second and then transfer all of your chocolate chex to a big ziplock bag.

Add about a cup of powdered sugar into the bag with the chex, seal it and give it a good shake so everything is covered. If you need to add more sugar, add little by little to avoid clumps.

Transfer your powdered sugar-covered chocolate chex into a new bowl so it doesn’t look sloppy.

This is still the former bowl. You can sneak a taste if you want I guess!

This is still the former bowl. You can sneak a taste if you want I guess!

Stick your new bowl of puppy chow into the fridge for at least 20 minutes to cool down.

Absolutely glamourous.

Absolutely glamourous.

And again.

And again.

If you dug this recipe, share it with a friend. Tag me on instagram @draggedthroughthegarden and I will tell you how proud of you I am.