The Vegan Snack Wrap

The Snack Wrap. This was by far my favorite McDonald’s menu item when I was a lad. Apparently it got discontinued. But enough about me, here’s how to make it vegan.

As always, if you dig this recipe, tag me at @draggedthroughthegarden on instagram and tell me what McDonald’s items you wanna see veganized.

The Vegan Snack Wrap. RIP I guess.



prep time: 10 minutes
cook time: 10 minutes

Siri, multiply $1.29 by the amount of these I ate as a teenager.

This recipe requires you to buy and thaw out those Gardein scallopini things, make a wet batter, a dry mix too and fry it up.

First you’re going to make your mixtures. To start, the dry one. Then the wet one.

What you’ll need:

  • all purpose flour

  • corn meal

  • baking powder

  • salt

  • pepper

  • garlic powder

  • onion powder

  • paprika

  • oat milk (or comparable)

  • apple cider vinegar

Add a half cup of flour to a bowl. Add a teeny tiny bit less than a half cup of corn meal. Throw a tiny dash of baking powder in there. Add a teaspoon each of all of the aforementioned dry seasonings.

In another bowl, add two parts oat milk to one part apple cider vinegar.

It looks like terrible cereal.

It looks like terrible cereal.

Now assuming that your Gardein things are thawed out, shape them into a long strip a la chicken strip.

What you’ll need:

  • aforementioned thawed out gardein strip things

  • vegetable oil

  • your wet batter

  • the dry mixture

Toss your Gardein thing in the dry mixture, dunk it in the wet one and then toss it once again in the dry one.

Don’t eat these yet.

Don’t eat these yet.

Add vegetable oil into a pot/deep pan and crank the heat up to 375°. Gently add your flour-ed strip things into the oil and agitate so they don’t stick to the walls of the pot. Cook until golden brown. Right around 4-5 minutes.



Place your chicken things on a wire rack to dry without getting soggy. I forgot to take a picture of them.

Next you’re going to assemble your wrap.

What you’ll need:

  • flour tortilla

  • lettuce

  • vegan cheese shreds

  • vegan ranch

Put your chicken thing in a tortilla with lettuce, cheese and as much ranch as you want….that’s it.
