Cast Iron Breakfast Tacos

This recipe combines the two major food groups: breakfast and tacos. End of intro.

As always, if you dig the recipe, tag me at @draggedthroughthegarden on instagram so we can talk about our cast iron skillets.

Cast Iron Breakfast Tacos, part of any balanced breakfast

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prep time: 20 minutes
cook time: 60 minutes

To reiterate, the two greatest food groups are breakfast and tacos.

First you’re going to boil some potatoes. So get out some potatoes and boil them.

What you’ll need:

  • potatoes

  • boiling water

Next, you’re going to make a scramble. You can use tofu or Just Egg. For this recipe, I used Just Egg. I’ll add the tofu recipe at the bottom of the page.

What you’ll need:

  • just egg

  • vegan butter

  • olive oil

  • vegan cheese shreds

  • kala namak (black salt)

  • salt

  • pepper

  • nutritional yeast

The things you’re preparing will be transferred to a cast iron, so for now have a regular non-stick pan ready. Heat up some oil in there and shake up your Just Egg. Pour it into the pan and let it cook for a solid 45 seconds before spatula-ing it. Once you do, drop some vegan butter and a generous amount of cheese into the pan. This will help your Just Egg get nice and fluffy. Add salt and pepper and stir. Add kala namak and a big spoonful of nutritional yeast and stir some more.

Fluffy boys!

Fluffy boys!

After your scramble looks like scramble, remove it from the pan and set it aside in a bowl for now. Now you can get your other scramble stuff ready.

What you’ll need

  • onion

  • bell pepper (I used orange)

  • spinach

  • black beans

  • vegan bacon (I used sweet earth)

  • maple syrup

  • salt

  • pepper

  • garlic powder

  • your potatoes from earlier

Starting with your black beans, open them, drain them and rinse them. Set them aside.

Chop up your onion and bell pepper. Set them aside.


Wipe your pan from earlier and add a little bit of oil. Throw the vegan bacon in the pan and cook evenly. Add a little bit of maple syrup and pepper and let them cook for an extra 30 seconds.

Look how crispy they look!

Look how crispy they look!

Once your bacon is cooked, set aside.

Assuming your potatoes are cooked, remove them from the water and put them on your cutting board. Chop them up into small chunks. The potatoes will function as the base of your skillet and everything else will be added on top of them.

Add oil to your pan (again) and add your potatoes. Add salt and pepper. Make sure you let them cook thoroughly so they remain crispy when you add other stuff to them later.

Shout out to potatoes.

Shout out to potatoes.

Once your potatoes are nice and crispy, preheat your oven to 400°. Get your cast iron ready with a little bit of oil. Wipe the whole inside of the pan with oil. Not too much though otherwise your potatoes will be swimming. I used a 6.5” skillet for this recipe.

Now that your oven is preheated, throw your cast iron full of potatoes into the oven for now. In the non-stick pan from earlier, you can cook your onions and peppers really quick.

Into the oven you go!

Into the oven you go!

Add oil into your pan and add your onion and red pepper on a medium flame. Add salt and pepper and then add a big fistful of spinach. You’re going to use a good amount of spinach because it will cook out and become tiny spinach.

Once your vegetables are cooked, drop the flame and add your bacon and black beans from earlier. Stir them up.

You don’t have to cook it anymore because the beans will warm up in the cast iron and the bacon is cooked.

You don’t have to cook it anymore because the beans will warm up in the cast iron and the bacon is cooked.

Now pop your cast iron out of the oven and add the contents of your pan right on top of the potatoes. You can add extra cheese too if you wish.

It looks like the same picture but now it’s on top of potatoes! And also very blurry!

It looks like the same picture but now it’s on top of potatoes! And also very blurry!

Now atop this layer, throw your egg right on top of the other stuff.

This picture is much nicer than the other one!

This picture is much nicer than the other one!

Now throw the whole thing back into the oven for about 20 minutes. Check on it every here and there to make sure nothing is burning.

Finally, you’re going to get your tortillas ready. Obviously you could just eat right out of the skillet but tortillas make everything better.

What you’ll need:

  • more olive oil

  • tortillas

  • avocado

  • hot sauce (optional)

Add oil to your pan and cook your tortillas in there. This recipe yields about six generous sized tacos.

Once your tortillas are cooked and your cast iron is ready, throw its contents into tortillas and eat! Garnish with avocado and hot sauce. (well, not really optional)

Now indulge in the wonderful texture of breakfast tacos.

Now indulge in the wonderful texture of breakfast tacos.

If you use tofu instead of Just Egg,

Press your tofu to drain it of all liquid. Heat up oil in a pan and crumble tofu into the pan. Add vegan butter and cheese and stir, stir, stir! It’s pretty much the same process. Just with a somewhat different texture. Add salt, pepper, nutritional yeast and kala namak the same way you would with Just Egg.

Love you,