Vegan Chicken Noodle Soup

It’s colder out and you want soup. Maybe you’re sick too. Luckily, chicken noodle soup is very simple to veganize.

As always, if you dig the recipe, tag me at @draggedthroughthegarden on instagram so we can talk about pasta.

Vegan Chicken Noodle Soup…with a topo on the side.



prep time: 15 minutes
cook time: 60 minutes

With a topo on the side.

This recipe is fairly simple. It’s a very passive recipe so you can clean up the huge mess you made while your soup cooks. First you’re going to prepare your seitan and start your vegetables. For the sake of breaking the recipe up, we’ll start with seitan.

What you’ll need:

  • seitan

  • salt

  • pepper

  • adobo

  • cumin

  • olive oil

  • garlic

  • shallot (or onion)

Open and drain your seitan if necessary. Press it with a towel to remove any excess moisture. Peel up a bunch garlic and cut down your onion. Oil a pan and heat that thang up on a medium flame. You’re going to save some of the garlic for later. Toss in your shallot (or onion) and garlic and stir frequently so you don’t burn it.

The more garlic, the better.

The more garlic, the better.

Add your seitan once your garlic and onion starts to brown some. Add a little extra oil and season it with salt, pepper, cumin and adobo. Stir it up so your onion and garlic don’t burn (again) and let it cook for a second. Once your seitan is cooked, transfer it from a pan to a bowl for now.

If it looks like this, keep cooking it.

If it looks like this, keep cooking it.

Now you can start your vegetables. Everything will cook out right in the broth so no extra boiling water required.

What you’ll need:

  • potatoes

  • celery

  • carrots

  • garlic

  • shallot

  • olive oil

  • a peeler

  • two containers of veggie broth

Peel three medium sized potatoes. Or two large ones. Or four small ones. Then peel three carrots. Rinse your celery off because it’s probably gross. Dice your potato down into small chunks. Dice the carrot and celery down too.

This picture is cropped, there are more carrots and celery. Potatoes too.

This picture is cropped, there are more carrots and celery. Potatoes too.

Hopefully you have garlic from earlier still. If you don’t, dice some more down as well as some onion. These are going to be the first two ingredients in your soup.

Get out your big pot and toss some oil in there. Once it’s hot, add your onion and garlic, again careful not to burn your garlic.

Another picture of onion and garlic!

Another picture of onion and garlic!

Once those things caramelize a little bit, add your two containers of veggie broth. Bring the flame up to the boil so that you can add your potatoes, carrots and celery.

Once your broth is boiling, do the aforementioned. You can keep the flame high for a minute.

To the broth with you! (Add your celery and carrots too.)

To the broth with you! (Add your celery and carrots too.)

Now that your soup is starting to cook, clean up that huge mess you made. Also you can get your seasonings and noodles ready for the next part.

What you’ll need:

  • salt

  • pepper

  • pasta (I used rigatoni)

  • bay leaves

  • water

  • bouillon

  • the seitan you made a few minutes ago

Add salt and pepper into the boiling broth. Add two bay leaves in there too. Don’t eat the bay leaves. Add the seitan into the broth and stir it up. Add your pasta into the broth. I used rigatoni because it’s all we had. And it looks kinda hilarious in the soup. If there isn’t enough broth to accommodate all of your ingredients, add a cup of water and some bouillon. Keep the flame high because you want to boil those noodles and you just added extra water. Once your broth is boiling, drop the flame to low and cover the pot for 25-30 minutes. Now you can simmer the broth and check instagram or clean the rest of your kitchen or something.

After that time has gone by, turn the flame off and give the broth a stir. I think your soup is ready.

Now that’s pretty much it. Eat your soup and be careful not to burn your mouth like I did. Serve with soup or saltines or whatever you wanna eat your soup with.

I mean look how hilariously cartoony those noodles look.

I mean look how hilariously cartoony those noodles look.