Vegan Taco Bell 99¢ Chicken Flatbread

In 2010, Taco Bell introduced the Chicken Flatbread. It was 99¢ and then it was discontinued. As Taco Bell continues to trim their menu, here is a vegan version of the chicken flatbread.

As always, if you dig this recipe, tag me at @draggedthroughthegarden on instagram and maybe Taco Bell will hire me to do their vegan bidding.

The Vegan Taco Bell Chicken Flatbread. Tastes like college and desperation.



prep time: 5 minutes
cook time: 25 minutes

I spent more time trying to photograph this thing than actually cook it.

This recipe requires a little more than 99¢, some seitan and a little imagination.

What you’ll need:

  • seitan

  • flatbreads

  • chipotle peppers

  • vegan sour cream

  • salt

  • pepper

  • adobo

  • vegan cheese shreds

They spelled Chipotle wrong but I’m willing to look past it.

They spelled Chipotle wrong but I’m willing to look past it.

First you are going to make the chipotle sauce. Get out a blender and add some of the chipotle peppers from the can. Now add a dollop of sour cream.



Blend that up and set it aside. You’re going to cook the seitan next and then add this sauce to it. Preheat your oven to 350° and get out your frying pan.

Add some olive oil to the pan and get it up to a medium flame. Add your seitan and add salt, pepper and adobo.

(Witty caption)

(Witty caption)

After your seitan looks cooked and browned and edible, add some of the chipotle sauce and cook it just a little longer. More of the sauce will end up going on the flatbread itself.

Hey that looks edible

Hey that looks edible

Now assuming that your oven has beeped and is up to temperature, get out a baking sheet and throw two flatbreads on it. Then spray it with a little olive oil. Add your seitan, a little bit more of the sauce and then a fistful of vegan cheese to it each of them.

Sorry about the shadow, I don't have fancy lighting.

Sorry about the shadow, I don't have fancy lighting.

When you add the vegan cheese, add it to the blank part of the flatbread too. This will ensure maximum gooeyness.

Toss the baking sheet in the oven for twenty minutes. After twenty minutes, the cheese should be nice and melty so fold the flatbread onto itself and put it back in the oven for five more minutes.

Five more minutes, Denny!

Five more minutes, Denny!

After the five minutes is up, take the flatbreads out to cool and then eat them with sauce or sour cream or whatever you want.

Honestly this didn’t photograph well at all.

Honestly this didn’t photograph well at all.

But you get the idea.

But you get the idea.

So gooey!

So gooey!