The Vegan Chicken Vesuvio

The Vegan Chicken Vesuvio. An Italian-Chicagoan staple. I’ve never seen it made vegan so here we go.

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The Vegan Chicken Vesuvio. Naturally off the bone.



prep time: 15 minutes
cook time: 90 minutes

Seitan is also cage-free!

This recipe requires you to have a big oven-safe pan. I don’t have one of those, so I used two smaller pans to sear and a large cast iron to bake.

What you’ll need:

  • gardein scallopini (4 patties per bag)

  • salt

  • pepper

  • dried oregano

  • italian spice blend

  • garlic powder

  • vegan butter

  • white wine

  • olive oil

  • vegetable broth

  • potatoes (I used yukon gold)

  • parsley

  • frozen peas

  • garlic

I don’t think I ended up using that many potatoes but still.

I don’t think I ended up using that many potatoes but still.

Now you can make your own seitan for this if you wish but it was pretty time consuming as is, so that is entirely up to you.

The first thing you are going to do is wedge your potatoes. If you don’t know how to cut them into wedges, go on youtube and figure it out like I did!

They kinda look like apples but they are in fact not apples!

They kinda look like apples but they are in fact not apples!

Now as pictured above, toss all of the potatoes into a bowl. Maybe not as many as photographed, I got a little carried away. Add a generous couple pinches of salt, at least a tablespoon and a half of black pepper and just as generous an amount of oregano. Add a few shakes of whatever Italian spice blend you have too. You want these potatoes absolutely loaded with seasoning! Toss the potatoes so they are evenly and thoroughly coated.

Next, bust open a few cloves of garlic and dice them down into a lovely mince.

In a pan, add a big splash of olive oil and bring the flame up to medium low. Add as much garlic as you want and move it around frequently so it doesn’t burn. Once your kitchen smells delicious, add your potatoes into the pan. Do this in batches if it helps, you don’t want to overcrowd the pan. Bring the heat up to a medium flame.

I overcrowded a little so I pulled some of these out. You get the idea though. I also use lots of olive oil.

I overcrowded a little so I pulled some of these out. You get the idea though. I also use lots of olive oil.

You want to cook the sides of the potatoes into a nice golden-brown. They will finish cooking once they bake in the oven later. When your potatoes are all cooked, set them aside for now. Put them back in the bowl from earlier if you want.

Next you are going to cook the scallopini things in the same pan. First you want to sear them so they are also a nice golden-brown. Then you are going to deglaze the pan and get your sauce going. We will get there, so first add your patties into the pan.

If the bottom of your pan starts to get a little too glaze-y, add a quick splash of white wine to lift everything off the sides and bottom of the pan.

Add salt, pepper, oregano, garlic powder, more of the spice blend and keep an eye on these things. Flip them and cook them throughly on each side. Once they are nice and charred, you can actually get your sauce going.

This looks incredibly messy, and it is. But it smells amazing.

This looks incredibly messy, and it is. But it smells amazing.

Add another splash of olive oil into the pan and then add a big knob of vegan butter. Let that cook down a little bit and move everything around so the pan. Add a quarter cup of vegetable broth to the pan and let that cook out a little. Add 3/4 of a cup of white wine into the pan and watch your eyebrows. This is going to reduce a little bit and then function as your sauce. Let everything cook out for a few minutes and we can get the oven going so set it to 400°.

For an oven safe pan: If your pan is oven safe and large enough to accommodate everything, add your potatoes back into the pan with the patties add a few full cloves of garlic into the pan and throw it right in the oven for 30 minutes.

For a cast iron (like I used): Add a little splash of olive oil to the cast iron — just enough to coat the bottom of the skillet. Add your potatoes and patties to the cast iron and toss a few cloves of garlic in there too. Add some of that sweet, delicious sauce to your skillet. Throw it in the oven for 30 minutes.

So something like this. The sauce everything cooks in is what makes this dish.

So something like this. The sauce everything cooks in is what makes this dish.

While your pan/skillet is in the oven, get out some frozen peas and a stalk of parsley. Rinse off the parsley and dice it up all super fine and stuff. After thirty minutes go by, take your pan/skillet/whatever out and add your peas. You can add as much as you want, I used about half a cup’s worth. Throw the whole thing right back in the oven for two more minutes.

Pop that sucker out and add some parsley so you get more likes on instagram.

Now you are left with this massive, mouthwatering dish.

Now you are left with this massive, mouthwatering dish.

Grab a plate, be careful and pull out a bunch of potatoes, peas and “chicken” and be sure to serve yourself enough of the sauce because it’s definitely the best part.



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