The Vegan Field of Dreams Dog

The Vegan Field of Dreams dog. Stylized as the Apple Pie Hot Dog, created by Guy Fieri and served exclusively at the Field of Dreams game back in August. This captivating ode to Americana is…well, it’s a vegan hot dog shoved into a pie crust with vegan bacon jam and honeycrisp pie filling. Up top we have apple-infused mustard, the boots with the fur & vegan bacon dusted in pie spice. Now if that doesn’t make you wanna drive your Chevy to the levee.

As always, if you dig this recipe, tag me at @draggedthroughthegarden on instagram and we can talk about how Guy Fieri is in an incredible human being.

The Vegan Field of Dreams Dog. Won’t you take me to…Flavortown?


prep time: 15 minutes
cook time: 45 minutes

Not pictured: peanuts and crackerjacks.

This one requires you to whip up some vegan bacon jam and homemade apple pie filling. Then you’re going to stick both of those things in a pie crust with a hot dog and bake it….then top it with tempeh bacon crumble and apple-infused mustard.

Now quick disclaimer: You can use canned apple pie filling if you want. But you know I had to hit em with the honeycrisp.

To start, the bacon jam and then the apple pie filling.

What you’ll need:

  • vegan bacon

  • olive oil

  • salt

  • pepper

  • apple cider vinegar

  • shallot

  • soy sauce

  • liquid smoke

Get out the weirdest looking vegan bacon you have and dice it all up. Dice up a shallot too. Forgot to photograph the shallot, oops.

Wow kinda looks like plastic!

In a small pot, add a glug of olive oil and then bring the flame up to medium. Add your bacon and throw a pinch of salt and pepper in there. Keep moving the bacon around because not only is it ugly, it sticks. Toss a splash of apple cider vinegar in there to loosen it up. Add your diced shallot.


Let that cook out, continuing to stir frequently so you don’t ruin your pot. Add a bit of soy sauce and liquid smoke and stir, stir, stir. Throw another splash of vinegar in and try your best to lift up the pesky bits.

Get out a bowl. Remove the contents of your pot and stick them in the bowl.

There’s the bacon jam up top. Disregard the apples, we haven’t gotten there yet.

Now we’re gonna get to the apples.

What you’ll need:

  • honeycrisp apples (none of that red delicious bullshit)

  • vegan butter

  • cinnamon

  • nutmeg

  • vanilla extract

  • lemon

  • brown sugar

  • apple cider (or apple juice)

  • salt

  • ginger

Grab two of three of those apples and peel them up.

These look rather naughty.

Dice up your apples into little baby pieces. While they’re still on the cutting board, squeeze a little lemon on them to prevent oxidation.

You can sneak a couple, go ahead.

Now for cooking this part, I used a cast iron skillet. Feel free to use whatever you want. Toss a knob of vegan butter into the pan and once it starts to glisten, add your apples. Stir them up so everything is coated and even.

Once they start to cook a lil bit, add two tablespoons of brown sugar. Then add a tablespoon of cinnamon and a teaspoon or two of nutmeg. I used fresh nutmeg because that’s all I had. Subtle flex. Add a teeny splash of vanilla extract and a pinch of salt and a second pinch of ground ginger.

One nutmeg please!

Now that your kitchen smells great, add a splash of apple cider (or apple juice) into the pan and give that a stir. Let the liquid cook down all the way and then add another splash and repeat once more.

Good soup.

Once the liquid cooks out, you should have very soft apple pie filling. Pull the contents of your pan out of the pan and stick it into another bowl.

Hey look, the photo from earlier.

Now that you have two bowls full of stuff, we’re going to get the bacon crumble going. I used tempeh bacon for the garnish as it crisped up better than the bacon I used in the jam. Sorry to overcomplicate.

What you’ll need:

  • tempeh bacon

  • olive oil

  • salt

  • pepper

  • liquid smoke

  • soy sauce

  • smoked paprika

Get out your finest paper towel and wipe down your pan that you made apple surprise in. Don’t dice up your tempeh.

It’s a cast iron, it’s gonna look like that.

Add salt, pepper, smoked paprika to the tempeh. Flip them after about two minutes. Add a splash of soy sauce and liquid smoke into the mix. They shouldn’t stick but if they do, add a splash of apple cider vinegar to deglaze. Pull them out of the pan and dab with a paper towel. Dice them up.

I forgot to take a photo of them diced up.

Now here’s where things start to come together. Next order of business is shaping your pie crust, adding your fillings…and a hot dog. While that’s all in the oven, you can assemble your apple-infused mustard.

What you’ll need:

  • pie crust (vegan obviously)

  • just egg (or flax seed & water)

  • vegan hot dogs

  • cinnamon

  • nutmeg

  • mustard (I used spicy brown)

Get out your pie crust. Cut it down into small rectangles, about 3x5 (according to the official recipe.)

Preheat your oven to 350°.

I’m not a good measurer, sorry Guy Fieri.

Scoop your apple pie filling and bacon jam onto one of the squares and then shove a hot dog in there.

Pour a little just egg into a container with equal parts water. This will function as your egg wash. Flax seed and water has a similar effect if you don’t have just egg. Use a brush and brush the perimeter of your crust.

This is not what god intended.

Lay your empty square on top of the not-empty square wash side down. You will have to stretch the dough a little to shape it over the hot dog and other stuff. Once in position, use a fork to crimp down the sides.

Get out a baking sheet, lightly oil it and stick your forbidden pop tart on there.

My sheet pan has seen better days so I used parchment. I recommend the former rather than the parchment.

Stick your sad sausage roll in the oven for about 18 minutes, keeping an eye out of course. The original recipe said to bake for 15 minutes but I overloaded mine with goodies so it took a little longer.

While your hot dog is in the oven, time to assemble your apple mustard.

Grab a sauce bottle and scoop some of your apple pie filling into it. Then using an equal amount, add your mustard.

I didn't have a vacant sauce bottle so I went with this suggestive ziplock piping method.

After the time is up on your hot dog apple pie, pop that sucker (or suckers) out of the oven and let cool.

I made a few for R&D.

Once cooled down, pipe your mustard up there to the best of your ability. Then add your tempeh crumble and dust the whole thing down with cinnamon and nutmeg. PHEW!

Now would you look at that.

There you have it. Now break out your VHS and pop on Field of Dreams. Again, this recipe was originally created by Guy Fieri. I only veganized it for you because you must be crazy too reading this far. There’s a great Takeout article that goes into the backstory of this thing so check that out. As always, if you dug this recipe, cook it and share it with a friend. Share it with all of your friends. Share it with Guy Fieri. Share it with Chevy. I could use some new brake pads.