Vegan Potato Leek Soup

Potato Leek Soup. We give credit to the humble potato for all of the things in which it can become. Lest ye not forget creamy potato soup.

As always, if you dig this recipe, tag me at @draggedthroughthegarden on instagram and share with a friend your love of soups.

Potato Leek Soup…with toasted shallot and scallions.



prep time: 25 minutes
cook time: 60 minutes

Look at how THICC!

This recipe requires you to dice up some potato, leek, other stuff and cook them in veggie stock.

First you’re going to prep your taters. And then the leeks.

What you’ll need:

  • gold potatoes (6-7 depending on size)

  • leek

Behold y’all, the almighty spud.

Behold y’all, the almighty spud.

Peel all of your potatoes. Get them nice and peeled. Then cut them down into small chunks.

Watch a YouTube video or something.

Watch a YouTube video or something.

Grab a large bowl, fill it with ice cold water and toss your potatoes in there. This will simultaneously wash them and rid them of excess starchiness.

Then take your leek, as pictured above, and cut off the leafy green part. Save those for future stock! Cut off the root of the leek and set that aside too. Taking your newfound leek stalk, slice it into as thin of rings as you can.

If it helps, you can cut the leek in half long ways and then slice.

If it helps, you can cut the leek in half long ways and then slice.

Now in a smaller bowl, fill that one with cold water too and toss the leeks in there.

Don’t mind the leeks in the potato bowl, I messed up and added leeks to the potato bowl. DISREGARD!

Don’t mind the leeks in the potato bowl, I messed up and added leeks to the potato bowl. DISREGARD!

Now that you have potatoes and leeks submerged in clean water, get out a strainer and strain your potatoes. Give them a nice rinse and then toss back into the bowl. Maybe give the bowl a quick wipe first.

Strain the leeks in the same fashion.

Clean leeks!

Clean leeks!

Next, you’re going to make some goddamn soup.

First you’re going to cook up the leeks a little bit…and add some other stuff too.

What you’ll need:

  • clean leeks

  • olive oil

  • vegan butter (bonus points for herbed butter)

  • garlic

  • shallot

Toss a nice glug of olive oil into a big ol’ pot and bring up to a medium flame. Add a large knob of vegan butter into the oil. I had a bunch of rosemary butter leftover from Thanksgiving that worked wonderfully here.

Toss in your leeks once your butter is cooked down into a liquid.

This smells very good. And soon it will smell even better.

This smells very good. And soon it will smell even better.

Now these are going to cook for about ten minutes on their own. If the flame is too high, drop it a little bit — you don’t want anything to brown here.

Next, you’re going to level up this soup base a little bit with some garlic and shallot. Bust open as much garlic as you would like, I used three cloves, dice them down and toss them in the pot too. Dice up half a shallot and throw that in there too.

It was a pretty big shallot.

It was a pretty big shallot.

Let the flavors of your ingredients meld for about three minutes, give them a brief stirring here and there.

This smells even better than the first one!

This smells even better than the first one!

Okay now it’s time to make soup. Also I highly recommend using homemade stock because I’m one of those people now.

What you’ll need:

  • veggie stock (64 oz)

  • clean potato chunks

  • salt

  • pepper

  • bay leaf

  • thyme

  • rosemary

Add 64 ounces of veggie stock into your pot. Bring the flame up to a boil and add a salt and pepper to your liking. Once you’re up to a boil, add all of your potatoes and give them a quick stir. Let it all boil for two minutes and then drop the flame to a simmer. Toss in a few sprigs of thyme, rosemary and a couple of bay leaves. I used a cheese cloth for the herbs but that’s completely optional.

Now let your soup simmer for 45 minutes. Or an hour. Or more if you want.

After your predetermined amount of time is up, using either a blender or an immersion blender — it’s time to blend. But first, pull out your herbs from the soup. This is where the cloth came in handy but still - totally optional.

Blend your creation in batches using a regular blender or just whip out the immersion blender and get all up in there.

Pulse until your liking, I left some chunks in there and I recommend you do the same.

This picture smells great too!

This picture smells great too!

Let the soup sit uncovered on a low flame while you get your toppings going.

What you’ll need:

  • scallions

  • shallot (the other half from earlier if you still have it)

  • olive oil

Dice up your scallions. Dice up your shallot. In a small frying pan, add a teeny tiny bit of olive oil. Toss your diced up shallot in there and cook until …cooked.

Using a ladle, scoop yourself some soup and add your toppings. And don’t burn your mouth like I did.