The Vegan French Omelette

The French Omelette. It’s rich, buttery and un-American.

As always, if you dig this recipe, tag me at @draggedthroughthegarden on instagram and we can talk about how the French accidentally invented keto.

The Vegan French Omelette. It’s cage-free!



prep time: 5 minutes
cook time: 5 minutes

It’s simple, easy to make and requires like five ingredients. Most of them are optional too.

This recipe requires you to heat up some vegan butter, add just egg and roll it up before it gets crispy. Chives and cracked pepper are both optional ingredients.

To start, you’re going to toss a knob of vegan butter in the pan on medium-low heat. While that’s going, you can dice up your chives. I mean, if you want.


What you’ll need:

  • vegan butter

  • just egg

  • kala namak (optional)

  • pepper (optional)

  • chives (optional)

Dice up your chives if you plan on using them. When the butter is melted down, add a third of the container of Just Egg into the pan, make sure the entire bottom of the pan is covered.

Something like this.

Something like this.

If you have kala namak on deck, sprinkle a teeny-tiny bit onto your egg mixture. Using a spatula, agitate the circumference of the egg to see that it’s cooking properly. Take the side closest to you and begin to fold the egg over itself. You’re going to roll it up before it has a chance to crisp up.

Not perfect, but it will do!

Not perfect, but it will do!

Once you get the gist of rolling the egg onto itself, continue to do so. If the egg starts to stick a little, add a little bit more butter. Yes, more butter.

Now you’ve got a big cylindrical egg thing so carefully get it out of the pan and onto a cutting board. Now to get the silky shiny look of a French omelette, guess what — add more butter. Right on top of the egg on your cutting board.

Just uhh…use a fork and paint the egg with butter.

Just uhh…use a fork and paint the egg with butter.

If you want it to look a little nicer, use a knife and slice off the ends of the omelette, kinda like pictured above. Now take this buttery thing and stick it on a plate.

Typically you would eat it as-is, but if you wanna add chives and black pepper, knock your socks off. The texture should be soft on the outside and even softer on the inside.

Oh how the butter makes it glisten.

Oh how the butter makes it glisten.

And from the inside pocket.

And from the inside pocket.